burner.kiwi is a temporary mail service. It gives you an email inbox and will allow you to receive email at the address for 24 hours.
They tend to be slow, have terrible UI, have lots of ads and trackers, and transfer 10x the amount of data that burner.kiwi does.
burner.kiwi is built in pure Go. It doesn't use any JavaScript and uses the minimal CSS framework Milligram.
burner.kiwi is currently deployed on Lightsail in the us-west-2 region.
Roger is the mascot of burner.kiwi. He is a pyromaniac kiwi bird.
Emails live only as long as your inbox does, plus a bit more. All email messages have an expiry set to the same time as your inbox. After they expire, they are marked for deletion and are typically deleted within 48 hours.
Yep. I don't look at your messages.
I don't. If by some miracle this takes off and server bills get out of hand, I may look for donations or sponsors. I promise I will never put terrible user-hostile ads on though.
Absolutely. Go check out the instructions on the Github page for how to host your own.
Create an issue on the Github page here: Github. Outline the issue you're having and I'll try and help.
Create an issue on the Github page here: Github. Outline the feature and I'll see what I can do.
Yes, I sure do. Check it out here: API docs.
My name is Hayden Woodhead and I'm from New Zealand. I like building things. Check out my Github. My personal website isn't ready yet.
No. I just like this format. :)